The Arena App: Daily Planner is substantially different from other productivity apps that you’ll find in the App Store. Arena helps to combine the best practices for time management, productivity, and a life well-lived into a single app that helps users have a better day. Additionally, The Arena App adds a fun element to completing your tasks, which makes ending your day feel like winning a game.
Did we mention that it is super easy to use? The Arena App: Daily Planner is a place where you can plan your day, utilize resources to help you overcome productivity obstacles, and much more. Keep reading to see how you can use The Arena App: Daily Planner to make the most out of every second of your day.
Using The Arena App: Daily Planner To Track Overall Projects
The Arena App: Daily Planner allows you to plan out your day in a way that focuses on the now, and what must get done on a single day that will have the most impact on your work and your life. Through our extensive research, we’ve found that Arena users keep a separate list of their overall current projects.
To create your overall project list in The Arena App, you’ll enter a new project, which will then go into the “Unscheduled” section each week until the time is available for you to focus on that particular project. So far, people have told us that they keep their complete project lists in:
- Arena
- Excel
- Microsoft® Project
- Bullet Journal
- Post-It® notes
- Index cards
- OmniFocus
- Reminders
- Their heads (most people!)
Understand Your Priorities
When entering a new project in The Arena App, you’ll have the opportunity to enter many details about your project, including:
- The deadline (if any)
- The effort the project will take
- The impact the project will have
- Whether you must, should, or could work on that project today
With this information, you can sort projects in a variety of ways and then, once sorted, tap over to the Calendar feature to see them in that order. Once items are in the calendar, they don’t change order for that day, even if you re-sort them in the Play view. Sort options include:
- A-Z, alphabetical
- Due Date, by the deadline
- Effort, by your estimated effort
- Impact, by your estimated impact
- Manual, you move them as you wish
- Points, by total points on each project
- Random, Arena moves them as it wishes
- Urgency, by Must, then Should, then Could
Be the Boss- Take Control of Your Day
Organizing your day efficiently is easy, once you commit to the practice of it. The Arena App can help you organize, prioritize, and have a better understanding of the time you have available for your tasks, and the amount of effort each one will take.
The beauty of it all? Everything is up to you. You decide what tasks belong on that project list, or how much time an assignment will take (or even how much time you want to commit to it). The Arena App is about you deciding how your day begins, progresses, and ends.
Check back with us next week for part 2 of the blog series: How To Use The Arena App: Daily Planner.
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