It is a universal challenge to coax employees into a cohesive, constructive, productive unit. And, once a team is humming along, change is inevitable as people come and go. Our principles began as a way to put newcomers at ease and to provide them with the common vocabulary of the team. Over time, though, they have become a touchstone of our company. They codify what we aspire to be and how we endeavor to get there. Some of our favorite principles include:
♦ We begin with the outcome to be produced and then think about the tasks to be done.
♦ Our customers come to us for efficient and effective strategy, results, and smart ideas.
♦ We are self-motivated and self-informed (e.g., we ask after Googling!).
♦ Every employee has choice and flexibility regarding his or her time, projects, and teammates.
♦ We are kind and patient, and trust each other to be excellent, brilliant, and hardworking.
♦ We bring humor and perspective to our interactions with both customers and each other, while also working in harmony and at ease.